Our wonderful staff strive to ensure that each of our students is safe, happy and reaching their fullest potential. Our staff pride themselves on being approachable and dedicated.
Business Manager:
Classroom Teachers:
Year Foundation/1 - Gumnuts
Year 1/2 - Willow
Year 3/4 - Banksia
Year 4/5/6 - Wattle Tutor Program, P.E, AUSLAN
The Arts, Duo
MiniLit Program
Support Staff:
Music (private lessons)
Education Support
Education Support
Education Support
Education Support
Education Support
Education Support
Education Support
Rowan Kayll
Lisa Waddell
Kira Green
Helen Bashford
Julie Collins
Tegan Compson
Jenni Collins
Elise Fraser
Chanaka Ruwandeniya
Jenni Collins
Juliane Vincent
Lauren Hughes
Kristen Edmonds
Lydia Stephenson Ashlea Dennis
Teresa Jordan
Ilda Araujo
Brianna Munnery