The Arts



Throughout the year, students undertake specialist sessions of Drama. We are most fortunate to be able to utilise the talents of our specialist teacher, Elise Fraser, to conduct this program. This program will also support our whole school concert,  which traditionally occurs at the end of Term 3. 






















Our specialist music lessons are provided to our senior class for 45 minutes and other classes for 30 minutes on a weekly basis. These lessons comprise of singing, playing percussion instruments and using beat, tone and rhythm to create music. A community concert is held each year; this provides our students with the opportunity to perform in front of an audience and to showcase what they have been learning to the wider community. 










Visual Arts

Students attend weekly specialist sessions that focus on Visual Arts. Students experience hands-on activities and learn new skills and techniques that inspire creativity. Some of the activities include drawing, painting, modelling, construction, fabrics and collage. Individual and group projects are completed. Our multi-purpose room has lots of our students work on display which families are most welcome to view.  



















© 2021 Arthurs Creek Primary School