Physical Education

Active students and the acquisition of fundamental motor skills is a high priority at our school. Students take part in multiple weekly P.E and/or Perceptual Motor Program sessions to learn skills and increase fitness levels. Athletics, ball handling, batting games, dance, swimming (Years 1-6) and basic gymnastics are part of our program.


Students in grades 4 – 6 take part in Interschool sports in Terms 2 and 4.


We celebrate the end of year with House Sports where students come dressed in their House colours to compete individually and in team games. Students have access to our well-resourced sports equipment at play times and often play team games in multi age situations.


During the year we are often fortunate to be granted funds via the Sporting Schools program. This allows us to get “experts” in a particular sporting field to come into our school and provide each of our grades with skills and knowledge in their particular sport. In recent times we have been fortunate to have been involved in orienteering, soccer and hockey sessions with local clubs.














© Arthurs Creek Primary School