At Arthurs Creek Primary School, we strongly advocate a two way partnership between home and school. We use a range of methods to keep our families and the wider school community informed about what is happening in our school.
This is published every week and delivered via an online portal called iNewsletter. The newsletter includes important information about past and upcoming events, curriculum information and celebrates student achievements. It also isused as a forum for advertising community events. Families will receive this weekly publication as a direct email link to their preferred email address.
Our school uses this online communication application as a means of sending out notifications, permission forms for camps and excursions and for recording student absences. Each parent is given a logon so they can access their child/ren’s information.
Parent Teacher Interviews and Classroom Information Sessions
These are held at various points throughout the year and provide families with the opportunity to talk directly with the classroom teacher about the classroom program, their child’s learning and achievement. At these meetings learning goals are often established and strategies to achieve these goals are agreed upon between the classroom teacher, student and parents/caregivers. We offer our families the opportunity to meet in person or via our secure online meeting platform- Webex.
Our parents and caregivers are welcome any time to make an appointment to speak with their child’s teachers or the principal. Discussions can be held in person, over the phone or via Webex (an online meeting platform).
© Arthurs Creek Primary School